From March 22 to 24, the United Nations Water Conference was held in New York (United States). Almost 50 years after the first conference, representatives of the States and civil society met again with a central focus: how to generate actions to care for water in the...
For community and gender just climate solutions: we participated in the United Nations Water Conference
The United Nations Water Conference (March 22-24, New York) is an opportunity to understand why feminist funding is key for real solutions to the climate crisis. Find out more about our participation. Raquel Aveiro (coordinator of Fondo de Mujeres del Sur in Paraguay)...
“The reproduction of life is also the grounds for the construction of affectivity”
Silvia Federici is a sociologist and philosopher, teacher and feminist activist. Fondo de Mujeres del Sur invited her to talk about the importance of popular feminisms and the power of the collective as a practice and political perspective. We were left with a...
Bernarda Pesoa and her struggles: land, water, community
Bernarda Pesoa is 41 years old. She has two daughters, three sons and three grandchildren. She lives in Villa Hayes, in the Presidente Hayes department, where the Paraguayan Chaco begins. Bernarda is Qom, she is a craftswoman and a human rights activist. Her house is...
Feminist solutions to the climate crisis: Fondo de Mujeres del Sur at CSW66
This year, for the first time, the central theme of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) was linked to the climate crisis, its impact and gender-sensitive solutions. The CSW is the largest United Nations (UN) meeting about gender equality. For FMS, it meant an...
“Today is it the Women—the Ecoterritorial Feminists—who Build the Future”
We asked Argentine researcher and writer Maristella Svampa (*) to give a talk on ecofeminism,land-territory and local experiences of environmental defence as part of the Political Training Conferences organised by Fondo de Mujeres del Sur (FMS) in 2021. We’re sharing...
Climate Justice as a Response to the Crisis: We Participated at the Cop 26 Summit
On Saturday, November 6, at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, we joined the panel discussion organised by Euroclima+ on the protection of ecosystems from the perspectives of climate justice, gender and vulnerable groups. The climate crisis hits the...
Mapik: The Carob Tree Women
During lockdown, the Mocoví community in the town of Tostado (Santa Fe Province, Argentina) was left without drinking water. The women who are part of Mapik, an organisation supported by Fondo de Mujeres del Sur (FMS) under the Strengthening Environmental Defenders...
The story behind VUDAS or how a group of women stood up against the heart of agribusiness
Original Text: Eloísa OlivaImage editing: Natalia RocaTranslation: Christina Hamilton “There is a photo of Carmen, standing in front of a truck full of grain, with her rake. She stopped the truck and called us ‘Come on, come on,...
FMS in the American Chaco: Don’t Miss the Video about the Environmental Defenders Programme
We travel to the American Chaco to register and make visible the struggle of women who defend their environmental rights, and tell you what our mission is as a women's fund.